S. Frances Butler Fan, M.Ac.O.M. is a licensed acupuncturist and an NCCAOM certified herbalist. She received her Masters degree from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (1), the top acupuncture school (2) in the United States, in 2010. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Exercise Science from Willamette University and interned in the hospital setting at the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. She has performed thousands of acupuncture treatments over the last 10+ years. She has enjoyed working with various professional athletes as well as people from all walks of life.
Frances’ path to Chinese medicine grew out of her love of exercise and martial arts after acupuncture was very effective for a knee injury that was interfering with her training. She enjoys collaborating with other health providers including MDs, NDs, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and Massage Therapists to resolve difficult cases more quickly.
Frances specializes in Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Conditions, Pain, Fertility and Women’s Health, Digestive Disorders, Asthma and Allergies as well as Stress and Mental Wellbeing.
Outside the clinic, Frances enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, gardening, hiking, acrobatics, martial arts, baking elaborate birthday cakes, and performing with various musical groups including the Carroll Raaum Swing Orchestra on trombone or tuba.
- Discussions about how to replace the word “Oriental” in these names/ titles are ongoing. We apologize for the distasteful language.
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